地址: 旺角花園街121號
電話: (852)27723644

Mangala 的訊息

Numerology is a map for looking at the human psyche: the way we function and the journey we are on this lifetime. In the 25 years I have been using this map I become increasingly in awe of its ability to show us who we are and what we are here to learn. It is simple but so very helpful - for almost everybody as far as I can see. For most people life is like driving in unknown territory, feeling a little lost and trying to work out where they are supposed to be going. Give people a map and suddenly it all makes sense: they know what they are doing here and where they are trying to get to. The way we learn in the Experiential Numerology group is not about theory, but really experiencing the different energies inside ourselves and how they effect us. It can be incredibly revealing and opens the doors to so many insights, about yourself and others. I sincerely recommend this group to anyone who wants to know more about themselves.

I called my book, Intuitive Tarot, a Tool for Consciousness because that is exactly what tarot is for me: one of the most remarkable and effective tools for becoming more conscious that we have available to us. Learnt and used in the right way tarot provides a light to look into ever deeper layers of the unconscious mind. It can become a friend for life who is always there for wise impartial consultation in times of confusion or uncertainty. In my own life I have such gratefulness for what it has given me. I couldn't even begin to count the number of occasions when pulling a few cards has given the insight to avoid unnecessary difficulties or conflicts, or simply shown me what is really going on.

General - Hong Kong
Hong Kong has become one of the favourite stops on my 6 month yearly tour. It's a wonderfully alive city and one where I always enjoy myself. But more importantly, it seems to me that Hong Kong residents are in a place in their evolution where they are ready to really wake up in consciousness. And that is an exciting time to be around for someone like me who teaches consciousness. I was very impressed this year with the openness and availability of the participants. It was a joy to work with them.

曼格拉.比爾遜 (Mangala Billson) 簡介
曼格拉.比爾遜出生在英國,在獲得心理學的學位後曾擔任幾年著名的雜誌專欄作者,之後在南非負責某前衛女性雜誌的編輯。一九七五年她遇見奧修大師(Master Osho),之後成為門徒,而她的生活方向也整個轉變。




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